Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to help you out. For further inquires, please feel free to contact us.


  • The Centerpoint Method is a unique and transformative leadership practice that combines the principles of horsemanship with advanced leadership theories, such as the Five Diamonds Framework and Accurate Attribution. This method is designed to help individuals and organizations uncover their core strengths and lead with authenticity, clarity, and purpose. By engaging in hands-on exercises with horses in a training arena, leaders are guided through a journey of self-discovery, reflection, and continuous improvement. The insights gained from this process are directly applicable to real-world leadership challenges, making The Centerpoint Method a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

  • The Centerpoint Method stands apart from traditional leadership training in several key ways:

    1. Experiential Learning: Unlike conventional training programs that focus on theoretical knowledge, The Centerpoint Method is rooted in experiential learning. Leaders engage directly with horses, which serve as authentic partners in the leadership development process. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper, more embodied understanding of leadership principles.

    2. Immediate Feedback: Horses respond to the authenticity and energy of the person leading them, providing unfiltered, real-time feedback. This allows leaders to see the immediate impact of their actions and behaviors, offering insights that are often missed in classroom settings.

    3. Focus on Core Attributes: The Centerpoint Method emphasizes the development of core leadership attributes—Vision, Courage, Ownership, Equanimity, and Bricolage—through the Five Diamonds Framework. These attributes are cultivated not just in theory but through practice, making them an integral part of who you are as a leader.

    4. Addressing Attribution Error: Traditional leadership training often overlooks the importance of understanding situational versus personal factors in decision-making. The Centerpoint Method addresses this through Accurate Attribution, helping leaders avoid common biases and make more informed, balanced decisions.

    5. Personal and Professional Integration: The lessons learned through The Centerpoint Method are not limited to professional development; they also foster personal growth. By making connections between the leadership skills honed in the horse arena and their unique professional context, leaders can apply these insights across all areas of their lives.

  • The Five Diamonds Framework and Accurate Attribution are foundational elements of The Centerpoint Method, each playing a crucial role in enhancing leadership.

    Five Diamonds Framework:
    The Five Diamonds—Vision, Courage, Ownership, Equanimity, and Bricolage—represent the core attributes of effective leadership:

    • Vision: The ability to see beyond immediate challenges and recognize broader opportunities. Leaders with vision inspire others and set a clear direction for the future. They are able to anticipate changes and guide their organizations toward long-term success.

    • Courage: The strength to confront uncomfortable truths and take bold steps into the unknown. Courageous leaders do not shy away from difficult decisions or challenging situations. Instead, they face them head-on, driven by their values and a commitment to doing what is right, even when it’s not easy.

    • Ownership: A deep sense of responsibility for one’s actions and their impact on others. Leaders who embody ownership take accountability for their decisions and outcomes, fostering a culture of trust and integrity within their organizations. They understand that true leadership is not about blame, but about finding solutions and driving progress.

    • Equanimity: The capacity to maintain balance and composure in the face of adversity. Equanimous leaders remain calm under pressure, making thoughtful and clear-headed decisions even in challenging situations. This balance allows them to lead with consistency and stability, providing reassurance to their teams.

    • Bricolage: The creativity to build innovative solutions using the resources at hand. Bricolage is about adaptability and resourcefulness, enabling leaders to find opportunities within constraints and to craft effective, sustainable solutions. Leaders who practice bricolage are not limited by what they don’t have but are empowered by what they can create.

    Together, these five attributes form a comprehensive framework for leadership that is both adaptable and resilient. Leaders who develop these attributes through The Centerpoint Method are better equipped to navigate the complexities of today’s world and to inspire others to do the same.

  • Accurate Attribution is a critical component of The Centerpoint Method, addressing a common pitfall in leadership known as attribution error. Attribution error occurs when leaders misjudge the causes of challenges, often attributing them to individual traits rather than situational or systemic factors. This can lead to misguided decisions and missed opportunities for growth.

    The Centerpoint Method helps leaders overcome attribution error by fostering a deeper understanding of the true causes behind challenges. Through interactions with horses—who respond purely to the energy and intent of the leader—participants gain insights into how their actions and decisions are perceived. This feedback is immediate and unfiltered, offering a clear reflection of the leader’s influence.

    By practicing Accurate Attribution, leaders learn to evaluate situations more holistically, considering both personal and external factors. This leads to more balanced, informed decision-making and ultimately strengthens the leader’s ability to guide their organization effectively. The practice of Accurate Attribution ensures that leaders are not just reactive, but proactive, addressing root causes and driving meaningful, lasting change.

  • Horses are integral to The Centerpoint Method because they embody qualities that are essential for authentic leadership development. Unlike humans, horses communicate primarily through energy and non-verbal cues, responding instinctively to the authenticity and intent of those around them. This makes them uniquely effective partners in leadership training for several reasons:

    1. Immediate and Honest Feedback: Horses provide instant, unfiltered feedback based on your actions and energy. They respond not to what you say, but to who you are and how you carry yourself. This allows leaders to see the direct impact of their behavior and make real-time adjustments, fostering a deeper understanding of their leadership style.

    2. Non-Verbal Communication: Much of leadership is about how we convey confidence, trust, and clarity—often without words. Working with horses sharpens these non-verbal communication skills, helping leaders to project the presence and intent necessary to guide and inspire others.

    3. Authenticity and Presence: Horses are incredibly attuned to the authenticity of those they interact with. They cannot be fooled by insincerity or superficial gestures. Leaders who work with horses are challenged to engage with genuine presence, which translates into more authentic and trustworthy leadership.

    4. Building Trust and Relationship: Effective leadership is built on trust, and working with horses requires establishing a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. This process mirrors the dynamics of human leadership, where trust is foundational to leading a cohesive, motivated team.

    5. Emotional Regulation: Horses mirror the emotions of those around them, making them excellent barometers for how well a leader manages stress, anxiety, and other emotions. Learning to regulate these emotions in the presence of a horse translates directly to better emotional intelligence in professional settings.

    In essence, horses serve as mirrors to our inner leadership qualities, reflecting back to us both our strengths and areas for growth. By engaging with horses, leaders are able to practice and refine their leadership skills in a dynamic, interactive environment that closely mirrors real-life challenges.

  • The lessons learned in the horse arena are deeply relevant to professional life, as they address core aspects of leadership that are universally applicable across industries and roles. Here’s how these lessons translate:

    1. Authenticity and Trust: In the horse arena, you learn that authenticity is key to building trust. Horses only respond positively to genuine, consistent behavior. This directly applies to professional life, where trust is the foundation of effective leadership. By cultivating authenticity in your interactions, you build stronger, more trusting relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

    2. Non-Verbal Communication: Much of leadership involves influencing others through presence, body language, and tone—skills that are honed in the horse arena. These non-verbal communication skills are critical in professional settings, where the ability to convey confidence, clarity, and intent without words can significantly impact your effectiveness as a leader.

    3. Emotional Intelligence: Working with horses teaches you to manage and regulate your emotions, as they respond to the energy you project. This directly enhances your emotional intelligence, enabling you to navigate stressful situations, manage conflict, and lead with empathy and composure in the workplace.

    4. Immediate Feedback and Adaptability: Horses provide instant feedback on your leadership style, allowing you to adjust your approach in real-time. This adaptability is crucial in professional settings, where leaders must be able to respond swiftly and effectively to changing circumstances and feedback from their teams.

    5. Building Resilience: The challenges encountered in the horse arena—whether it’s establishing trust with the horse or refining your leadership approach—mirror the challenges you face in professional life. Overcoming these challenges in the arena builds resilience, helping you to approach workplace obstacles with confidence and a problem-solving mindset.

    6. Vision and Strategic Thinking: Leading a horse requires clear direction and purpose, akin to setting a vision for your organization. The strategic thinking practiced in the arena, where you must anticipate the horse’s reactions and plan accordingly, translates directly to effective strategic leadership in your professional life.

    By making these connections between the lessons learned in the horse arena and your professional context, The Centerpoint Method ensures that the skills and insights gained are not only relevant but transformative, leading to more effective, authentic, and resilient leadership in all areas of your life.

  • Participating in The Centerpoint Method leads to a range of profound and lasting results, both at the personal and organizational levels. Here’s what you can expect:

    1. Enhanced Leadership Acumen: By engaging with horses and applying the Five Diamonds Framework, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of your leadership style. You’ll gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement, leading to more confident and effective leadership.

    2. Improved Decision-Making: The Accurate Attribution practice helps you identify and overcome biases that can cloud judgment. You’ll learn to evaluate situations more holistically, making balanced and informed decisions that benefit your team and organization.

    3. Stronger Emotional Intelligence: Working with horses sharpens your ability to manage emotions, both your own and those of others. This enhanced emotional intelligence allows you to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics with greater empathy and composure.

    4. Greater Authenticity and Trust: The focus on authenticity in The Centerpoint Method builds trust both within yourself and with others. You’ll learn to lead with integrity, creating stronger, more trusting relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

    5. Increased Resilience: The challenges you overcome in the horse arena translate directly to increased resilience in your professional life. You’ll be better equipped to handle adversity, adapt to change, and persevere through difficulties.

    6. Practical Application: The insights gained through The Centerpoint Method are directly applicable to your professional context. You’ll leave the experience with actionable strategies and tools that you can immediately implement in your organization, leading to tangible improvements in leadership effectiveness and team performance.

    7. Organizational Impact: As your leadership skills evolve, so will the culture and performance of your organization. Leaders who practice The Centerpoint Method tend to foster more cohesive, motivated teams and create environments where innovation, collaboration, and growth are encouraged.

    8. Personal Growth: Beyond professional development, The Centerpoint Method facilitates deep personal growth. You’ll gain a stronger sense of self-awareness, purpose, and clarity, which can positively influence all areas of your life.

  • The return on investment (ROI) for working with The Centerpoint Method is substantial, as it delivers value at multiple levels—personally, professionally, and organizationally:

    1. Enhanced Leadership Effectiveness: The skills and attributes developed through The Centerpoint Method lead to more effective leadership. This, in turn, drives better decision-making, stronger team performance, and improved organizational outcomes, all of which contribute to a positive ROI.

    2. Increased Team Productivity and Morale: Leaders who embody the principles of The Centerpoint Method create environments where teams are more engaged, motivated, and productive. This can lead to increased employee retention, higher job satisfaction, and better overall performance.

    3. Strategic Advantage: By cultivating leaders who are visionary, courageous, and adaptable, The Centerpoint Method gives your organization a strategic advantage. You’ll be better positioned to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and lead your industry with innovation and confidence.

    4. Cultural Transformation: The impact of The Centerpoint Method extends beyond individual leaders to the entire organizational culture. As leaders model the principles they’ve learned, a ripple effect occurs, fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and continuous improvement.

    5. Long-Term Sustainability: The insights and practices gained through The Centerpoint Method are not one-time benefits—they are sustainable skills that continue to grow and evolve with you. This ensures a lasting impact on your leadership capabilities and organizational success, making the investment not only worthwhile but enduring.

    6. Personal Fulfillment and Growth: The personal growth you experience through The Centerpoint Method enhances your overall well-being, leading to a more balanced, fulfilling life. This holistic approach to leadership development ensures that the ROI is not just measured in financial terms but also in the quality of life and satisfaction you gain.

    7. Customized Solutions for Your Unique Needs: The Centerpoint Method offers flexible and customizable services, ensuring that you receive the specific support and guidance you need to achieve your goals. This tailored approach maximizes the effectiveness of the investment, delivering outcomes that are directly aligned with your objectives.

    8. Transparency in Pricing and Value: We believe in providing transparent pricing and clear value propositions. The investment you make in The Centerpoint Method is matched by our commitment to delivering measurable, impactful results that justify and exceed the cost.

    Overall, the ROI of working with The Centerpoint Method is reflected in the lasting positive changes you’ll see in your leadership, your organization, and your life. The skills, insights, and growth you achieve through this method will continue to pay dividends long after the experience is over.

  • At The Centerpoint Method, we offer a range of services designed to empower educational leaders, executives, teachers, parents, and communities. Each service is rooted in our core principles, combining the Five Diamonds Framework with the experiential learning of horsemanship to create transformative leadership experiences.

  • The right service depends on your specific needs and goals. If you’re looking for comprehensive, ongoing support, the Long-Distance Principal Services or Advisory Board Membership might be the best fit. For those interested in personal development or team-building, the Teacher and Leader Professional Development Workshops or The Centerpoint Leadership Experience in Texas would be ideal. If you’re looking to make a long-term investment in your institution, the Custom Centerpoint Stables service offers a transformative opportunity.

    If you need quick, targeted support, we also offer flexible options such as Email Coaching and Hourly Coaching sessions, allowing you to get valuable insights and guidance with just an email or a phone call. This range of services ensures that we can meet you wherever you are, whether you’re looking for a quick perspective or a more in-depth, ongoing partnership.

    We encourage you to schedule a consultation so we can discuss your unique needs and recommend the best service for you.

  • Absolutely! The Centerpoint Method is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing us to tailor our services to meet the specific needs and goals of your organization. We understand that every school, company, or community is unique, and our approach reflects this understanding by offering customized solutions that align with your vision and objectives.

  • The process of building custom stables for your school with The Centerpoint Method is a comprehensive and collaborative journey that ensures your facility is tailored to meet your unique leadership development needs. Here’s what the process involves:

    1. Initial Consultation and Visioning: We begin with an in-depth consultation to understand your school’s goals, vision, and specific needs. During this phase, we discuss your objectives for incorporating The Centerpoint Method into your leadership programs and explore how custom stables can best support those goals. This is where we outline the scope of the project and establish a shared vision for the facility.

    2. Site Selection and Design Planning: Once the vision is clear, we assist you in selecting an appropriate site for the stables, whether it’s on your existing campus or a new location. Our team of experts collaborates with you to create a detailed design plan that includes the layout of the stables, the round pen, living quarters, and any additional facilities required for horsemanship-based leadership training. We ensure that every aspect of the design aligns with your school’s culture and educational philosophy.

    3. Construction and Development: With the design plan in place, we move into the construction phase. Our Texas-based team of specialists oversees the building process, ensuring that every detail—from the round pen to the stables and living quarters—is constructed to the highest standards. We provide regular updates and maintain open communication throughout the development process to ensure the project stays on track and meets your expectations.

    4. Equine Acquisition and Training: After the physical structure is completed, we source and deliver horses from our trusted Texas partners. Each horse is carefully selected based on temperament and suitability for leadership training. We also provide initial training for your staff, ensuring they are fully equipped to work with the horses and integrate them into your leadership programs.

    5. Implementation and Ongoing Support: Once your custom stables are operational, we offer ongoing support to help fully integrate The Centerpoint Method into your curriculum. This includes periodic onsite visits, virtual coaching sessions, and additional training for your team. We remain engaged to ensure the long-term success and impact of the program, providing continuous improvement recommendations and support as needed.

    6. Customization and Flexibility: Throughout the entire process, we work closely with you to customize the stables and programs to fit your specific needs. Whether you prefer a hands-on approach where we manage the entire project or a more hands-off approach where we provide guidance while your team takes the lead, we offer flexible consulting packages to accommodate your budget and preferences.

    What to Expect: Expect a seamless, collaborative process that results in a facility designed to transform leadership development at your school. The custom stables will not only enhance your leadership programs but also serve as a lasting, impactful addition to your educational environment.

  • The Centerpoint Leadership Experience in Texas is a transformative, immersive journey designed to deepen your leadership skills through hands-on interaction with horses and personalized coaching. Here’s what you can expect from this unique experience:

    1. Arrival and Orientation: Upon your arrival at our Texas stables, you’ll be welcomed and given an orientation to the facilities and the week’s schedule. We’ll introduce you to the horses and the team, ensuring you feel comfortable and prepared for the journey ahead.

    2. Personalized Coaching: Throughout the experience, you’ll receive one-on-one coaching tailored to your specific leadership goals. Our coaches will work closely with you to identify your strengths and areas for growth, providing guidance and support as you navigate the challenges presented in the training arena.

    3. Hands-On Horsemanship Exercises: The core of the experience involves hands-on exercises with horses, where you’ll apply the Five Diamonds Framework and practice Accurate Attribution. Working with horses in the arena, you’ll engage in activities that challenge your leadership style, communication skills, and decision-making abilities. The horses’ natural responses provide immediate feedback, allowing you to adjust and refine your approach in real-time.

    4. Reflective Sessions: Each day includes dedicated time for reflection, where you’ll have the opportunity to process the lessons learned in the arena and draw connections to your professional life. These sessions are designed to deepen your understanding of the leadership principles at play and to help you integrate these insights into your leadership practice.

    5. Group Dynamics and Team-Building: If you’re participating as part of a group, you’ll also engage in team-building activities that foster collaboration, trust, and shared leadership. These exercises are designed to strengthen group dynamics and enhance the collective leadership capabilities of your team.

    6. Real-World Application: Throughout the experience, we emphasize the application of lessons learned to your unique professional context. You’ll work with your coach to translate the insights gained in the horse arena into actionable strategies that you can implement in your organization.

    7. Final Assessment and Takeaways: At the end of the experience, we’ll conduct a final assessment to review your progress and identify key takeaways. You’ll leave with a personalized action plan that outlines how to continue developing the leadership skills you’ve honed during the experience. Additionally, you’ll receive ongoing support through follow-up coaching sessions, ensuring that the impact of the experience continues to resonate long after you leave Texas.

    What to Expect: Expect a week of intense, rewarding personal and professional growth. The Centerpoint Leadership Experience in Texas is not just a training program—it’s a journey that challenges you to explore who you are as a leader, strengthens your core leadership attributes, and equips you with the tools to lead with authenticity, confidence, and resilience in any situation.

  • The consultation process at The Centerpoint Method is designed to be thorough, personalized, and collaborative, ensuring that we fully understand your unique needs and can tailor our services accordingly. Here’s how the process works:

    1. Initial Inquiry: It all begins with your initial contact. Whether you reach out via our website, phone, or email, we’ll promptly schedule a time for an initial discussion. During this stage, we’ll gather some basic information about your organization, your goals, and the specific services you’re interested in.

    2. Preliminary Discussion: In this initial consultation, we’ll dive deeper into your organization’s needs, challenges, and aspirations. We’ll discuss your vision for working with The Centerpoint Method and explore how our various services might best support your goals. This is a collaborative conversation where we listen closely to understand your context and objectives.

    3. Customized Proposal: Based on the insights gained from our discussion, we’ll develop a customized proposal that outlines the recommended services, potential timelines, and an initial pricing structure. This proposal is tailored specifically to your organization, ensuring that the services align with your needs and budget. We’ll also highlight any options for further customization or flexibility.

    4. Detailed Pricing Discussion: Once you’ve reviewed the proposal, we’ll schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the details. This is an opportunity to ask any questions, make adjustments, and refine the scope of the project. We believe in transparent pricing, so we’ll walk you through the cost structure, explain the value of each service, and discuss any additional options or packages that might suit your needs.

    5. Final Agreement: After refining the proposal and agreeing on the scope of work, we’ll formalize the agreement. This includes a clear outline of the services to be provided, the timeline, and the final pricing. We’ll ensure that you have a complete understanding of what to expect, and we’ll be ready to begin the partnership as soon as you’re comfortable.

    6. Ongoing Flexibility and Support: Even after the initial agreement, we remain flexible and responsive to any changes or additional needs that may arise. Our goal is to be a partner in your success, so we’re committed to adjusting our approach as needed to ensure you get the maximum benefit from working with us.

    What to Expect: Expect a consultation process that is thorough, transparent, and focused on your unique needs. We’re here to ensure that you receive the most value from our services, with clear communication and a collaborative approach throughout.

  • Absolutely! The Centerpoint Method is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing us to work with clients across the globe. Whether you’re located in another state within the U.S. or in an entirely different country, we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

    Here’s how we work with international clients:

    1. Virtual Consultation and Planning:
      We start with virtual consultations to discuss your goals, challenges, and the services you’re interested in. Through video conferencing and other online communication tools, we can conduct in-depth discussions, planning sessions, and strategy meetings, just as we would with local clients.

    2. Customized Virtual and Hybrid Services:
      Many of our services, including coaching, leadership workshops, and advisory board membership, can be delivered virtually. We can also create hybrid models that combine virtual sessions with periodic in-person visits, depending on your needs and preferences.

    3. Travel for In-Person Engagements:
      For services that require or benefit from in-person interaction—such as the Centerpoint Leadership Experience in Texas or custom stables projects—we can arrange travel to your location or invite you to visit us in Texas. Our team is experienced in international travel and can coordinate logistics to ensure a smooth and productive visit.

    4. Cultural and Contextual Sensitivity:
      We understand that leadership and education practices vary across cultures and regions. Our approach is always culturally sensitive, and we take the time to understand the specific context in which you operate. This ensures that the strategies and insights we provide are relevant and effective in your unique environment.

    What to Expect:
    No matter where you are in the world, you can expect the same high level of service, expertise, and commitment from The Centerpoint Method. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your leadership goals, regardless of geographical boundaries.

  • Our Long-Distance Principal Services are designed to provide schools with expert leadership support, even if we’re not physically present on campus. This service is ideal for schools that need consistent, high-quality leadership but may not have access to it locally. Here’s how it works:

    1. Initial Assessment and Planning:
      We begin by conducting an in-depth assessment of your school’s needs, challenges, and goals. This can be done virtually through video calls, surveys, and document reviews. Based on this assessment, we develop a customized plan that outlines the scope of our involvement, the key areas of focus, and the specific goals we aim to achieve.

    2. Ongoing Virtual Leadership:
      As your long-distance principal, we provide regular leadership support through virtual means. This includes weekly or bi-weekly video meetings, ongoing communication via email or messaging apps, and regular progress updates. We act as a strategic partner, helping to guide your school’s direction, manage crises, and implement key initiatives.

    3. Mentorship for Onsite Leadership:
      If your school has an existing principal or leadership team, we can also serve as a mentor, providing guidance, support, and professional development. This ensures that your onsite leaders are empowered and equipped to handle day-to-day operations while benefiting from our expertise and strategic insights.

    4. Periodic Onsite Visits:
      While the bulk of our work is conducted remotely, we also offer the option of periodic onsite visits. These visits can be scheduled quarterly or as needed, allowing us to engage directly with your staff, students, and community. Onsite visits are particularly valuable for in-depth assessments, team-building exercises, and addressing specific challenges that may arise.

    5. Flexibility and Customization:
      The Long-Distance Principal Services are highly customizable to meet your specific needs. Whether you require full-time support or more targeted assistance during critical periods, we can adjust the level of our involvement accordingly. We also offer options for hybrid models that combine remote leadership with more frequent onsite engagement.

    6. Continuous Support and Adaptation:
      As your long-distance principal, we remain fully engaged and adaptable to your school’s evolving needs. We provide continuous support, regularly review progress, and adjust our strategies as necessary to ensure that your school is thriving under our leadership.

    What to Expect:
    Expect a seamless integration of expert leadership into your school, with the flexibility to meet your needs whether we’re working remotely or onsite. Our Long-Distance Principal Services are designed to bring stability, strategic direction, and professional growth to your school, regardless of location.

  • Booking a workshop or speaking engagement with The Centerpoint Method is a straightforward process designed to accommodate your specific needs and schedule. Contact us via the form on our 'Contact Page' to get started.

  • The easiest way to get in touch is through our website’s contact form. Simply fill out the form with your name, email address, and a brief message detailing your inquiry. Whether you’re interested in booking a service, learning more about our offerings, or asking a specific question, we’ll respond promptly.

Get started Virtually, In-Person or via Hybrid Approach